Friday, October 14, 2011

Post Spanish Snarkra compliments of the Mayor

Sidekick 1:47 pm
finally some weather appropriate for spanishes. not that that slowed us down

The Mayor 1:48 pm
super hubes

The Mayor 1:49 pm
Rick, my bartender, was cordial as ever. we got deep. the owner fellow, the interesting asian man, and i shook like we always do knowingly

Sidekick 1:50 pm
the barkeep and patron dynamic in an old school setting
retro cool

The Mayor 1:50 pm
i function well in thus
Chuco: not only can he espouse on the rules of the road, but he can teach you how to curate the best service possible while enjoying yourself.

Sidekick 1:52 pm
with no sense of irony

The Mayor 1:52 pm
we've gotten past irony today
irony is a hipster dogma

Sidekick 1:53 pm
thats true

Sidekick 1:53 pm
thats tweetable

The Mayor 1:54 pm
here she goes!
i've been on tweet fire today
you might even have to post to the blog!
the more i think about that line the better it gets.... wow
(i'm patting myself on the back)

Sidekick 1:55 pm
heh. now?

The Mayor 1:55 pm
in a bit